Archive | July 2015

Abundance Part 2

In June I completed a prosperity plan with a friend and then started another one with a generous soul by the name of B.C.. She was able to find the last of 2 mini-books for the month long plan. One of which was sent to me.
When I started both of the plans I wanted my financial situation to improve. What I received was a lot more. I now see that was abundance at work. It is still working.
The discipline of the plan was to affirm positively each day that you are living in abundance. There were variations to each days message but the goal was the same; to live abundantly.
So far I have had prayers answered. I have received unexpected gifts. I have received all expenses paid for opportunities in teaching. I received support on a few projects that I did not ask for. My cup runneth over. I have really took a long look at my life and count my blessings. I thank God for them daily one by one.
So if you are looking around wondering where your abundance is, it might be closer than you think.

This entry was posted on July 22, 2015.


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We all have ways of absorbing the stress of daily life. My shock absorber happens to be prayer. I believe it helps. It’s free. I can pray anytime and anywhere about any situation. If you would like me to pray for you, I will call your name out in my morning prayers.

No need to disclose your prayer need because I respect your confidentiality, just an inbox or email message saying “prayer”.

Here are a few resources on the benefits of prayer:

This entry was posted on July 13, 2015.

It’s all about you!

When I was in my early 20’s I had a bad attitude and felt others were doing me wrong and it was all their fault. The incident that took me over the top was a bill I did not create but was being made responsible to pay for because someone failed to remove my relocation request, which left the service available for the new tenant. It resulted in lots of frustration and disrespect.

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I had a mentor by the name of Mary W. and she was very instrumental in assisting me to use the power of my words and personal accountability to resolve this ongoing battle which has lasted at least 1 year. Before meeting her, I did not think that was possible. I was used to blaming, shaming, cursing and manipulating my way out and around situations. It was a huge part of a societal coping mechanism that I was accustomed to.

Fast forward. Using the techniques Mrs. W showed me, I was able to get the head manager on the phone in less than 5 minutes and the bill issue resolved, but still needed to round up documents to prove that I was not the responsible party. I didn’t want to do the extra leg work, but having the bill resolved was motivation enough for me to do so.

That incident was the catalyst for showing me that personal accountability was empowering and a way to relieve lots of the stress I was accustomed to thinking it was normal. I want to encourage you to own the results you expect in life.

Here is a link that lays it out in several areas of life:

It’s all about you!

Feeling a little slighted?  Has someone done something that keeps you from moving forward?  Does it take too much effort to make changes in your life?  Check out my personal story that helped me change. Be encouraged!

This entry was posted on July 8, 2015.


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Perspective is so important to grasp when wondering why things happen or why people don’t do things the way you expect them to. Everyone has a way of looking at things from their own lens. Sometimes are view is correct, but sometimes it is way off base.

For example, if you like to receive gifts and you don’t understand why someone does not give them to you, it might not be that they are selfish. It might me that they didn’t have the money to buy it, they didn’t know what to buy to your standards, and perhaps what you like and will accept is out of their price range.

If you like being affirmed but someone doesn’t give you the praise you are seeking, perhaps they fear criticism for what they can offer and decide to affirm you from afar, maybe they don’t know what to say that will make you feel like a million bucks so they don’t say anything.

My point is that perspective is huge when we feel as if we have been slighted and not take it personal because it may not be what we are thinking at all. So the next time you are feeling some way about someone or something consider throwing entitlement and expectation out the window because there are volumes of perspectives to be embraced. And who knows, the very thing you were expecting or feeling entitled to you just might get afterall.

This entry was posted on July 4, 2015.