Archive | June 2015

Choosing Joy

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This morning I woke up singing a song about joy. The dictionary defines it as a feeling of great pleasure or happiness.

Do we get this pleasure or happiness from a crowd of people? Do we get it from having 1000 plus friends on our Facebook list? Does it arrive when we land the job in the upper middle class income bracket? Does it elude us when we are worried? Does it multiply with the sinister feeling of seeing someone miss the mark? The questions are endless.

I wish the definition was more closely tied to this; an inward feeling of great pleasure or happiness independent of external circumstances So before you miss celebrating anymore milestones in you life waiting on the “joy” factor, regardless of how life is going at that moment, make the choice to experience joy.


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It is 2:45 a.m. and I am awake praying for a few people that came to mind. I was praying for them to know what the abundant life would look like for them, what it would mean to them. In the Bible, John 10:10 we are told we can have life abundantly. Whoa! Abundantly? Abundantly… Abundantly!

Then I reflected back on a a paragraph I read earlier that talked about the vastness of the sky, the constant flow of the ocean’s tide, tiny grains of sand and the countless drops of rain. What a wonder!

And while abundance and prosperity can mean money, it can mean so much more. And it can mean different things to each one of us. For me my abundance is in having peaceful relationships, the laughter of my parents and siblings, the love of my husband, the smile of my children, the kisses from my grandchildren, the gratitude from my students, the list goes on.

Having the basic things in life knowing it comes and it goes does not show me how abundant my life is, but the quality of everything and everyone around me does. How do you define abundance?

Walk your life

Last night I watched a short clip of a reality show where a woman from the UK went to live with a family in rural Mexico.  The woman was successful in life  by western terms in the UK but on her stay with this family she realized she had a fear of being ridiculed if she did not do things perfect and within a certain timeframe. The mother in that family told this woman she needed to “walk her life”.  The mother was telling her to slow down, be courageous and give it her best.

Have you forgot how to “walk your life”?  I know at moments I stumble, fall and let fear get the best of me. Check out Tavis Smiley and the advice he gives on walking out life.