
Profound wisdom from a suitcase



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I was watching videos on a topic I want to discuss on my Facebook page tonight during my 30 day live challenge. Somehow I found this video of a Cameroonian born woman speaking on a profound concept of what we pack in our suitcases.  I believe there are no coincidences and everything has a message for me.

I’m at a crossroads with a few personal things and prayed for guidance a few days ago.  I also asked the ancestors what they had for me.  Well I believe the answer showed up in this video by Beatrice Achaleke speaking on Globuntu.  She says things are “not either or, it’s as well as”.  Here is an intro into what she shares about Globuntu .

Sidebar/bunnytrail/detour here—> I also awaken to a text from my brother sharing someone on Instagram who is vegan and happens to be Cameroonian.  I was over to moon with joy to know there are other Africans who are also vegan.

Back to story.  So as I venture out today to experience the first step in my shift in consciousness, I am going with my suitcase intact.  I will carry it with me more proudly and mindfully that I don’t need or want to accept the suitcase that awaits.  Although I am not Cameroonian born (I’m African-American with some Cameroonian and Nigerian dna which I’m proud of) I resonate with the speaker.

Take away lesson, if you find yourself in a conflict remember the things in your suitcase.  They are your culture.  It is healing to use them or go back to them.  It is what makes you who you are.  Don’t dismiss it.  Embrace it.  It can be your saving grace that catapults you to your best life ever.



This entry was posted on June 26, 2017. 6 Comments

Stepping stones


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A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. 

I am reading an email that is very encouraging to the subscribers.  In it are words that encourage me and the other readers to take steps to reach our goals.  Here are the steps:

  1. Decide who you want to be
  2. What you want to be doing
  3. How you want your life to be
  4. Take STEPS to make it happen

This is a very simple formula and manageable if consistent.  Once new goals/ideas are put into action the old ones that no longer serve you will start to fall away simply because you are focusing less time on them.  The new ones take priority and require more time and attention.  You may stumble, fall off, get frustrated, maybe even want to quit. Having a support team or accountability partners who encourage you will help you stay focused if you need it.  Sometimes just doing it solo is the way to go to because it’s less pressure and less of a distraction.

Keep stepping, you will get there. 



This entry was posted on June 25, 2017. 2 Comments

Jazzing June

Jazzing June

Here is a little about where I am at right now.  It’s a reminder and an excuse to write which is therapy for me.  Hope you find it as cool as I do.

Drinking: Water, need to drink more of it regularly

Listening: The sound of a fan

Smelling: The aroma of the light soup and jasmine rice for my husband’s dinner

Wanting: A sweet treat, this Kashi almond bar will suffice

Reading: Blogs

Wondering: Why must I have this allergy/cold right now

Deciding: What gift to get for Father’s day

Wishing: That my mom was still alive and that I was going to Cameroon for summer vacation

Enjoying: The freedom of summer break for teachers and students (starts in a few days)

Waiting: To kick my exercise routine up a notch and get back to clean vegan eating

Liking: Having braided hair as a low maintenance hairstyle

As a poet, I love making list poems so when I came across this style on Yes and Yes  it inspired me to do it. The blog writer is Pip.  See her’s in action at Taking Stock November






This entry was posted on June 17, 2017.

Shine your eyes o

Ok, this post is not about having discernment in that sense but now that I have your attention :), let’s carry on, shall we?  It’s summer time and eye health is not one of those things that I hear people talking about regularly.  Since I wear eyeglasses and need them to function daily, these tips from Pearle Vision at Yorktown Mall will be something that I start implementing for optieyeglasses-1245879_1920mal eye health.  Here are the three tips that were sent to me today.

  • Reduce computer-related eyestrain with 20/20/20. For every 20 minutes of screen time, look 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.
  • Shade your eyes from the sun. UV rays can cause irreversible damage to your eyes, so be sure to wear sunglasses whenever you are out and about.
  • Feed your eyes with foods high in lutein, omega-3 fatty acids or lycopene. Eggs, nuts, carrots, spinach, watermelon, papaya and fish are all eye-healthy choices.

All three tips are helpful which will require me to shop for a stunning pair of sunglasses.  I also need to practice lifting my eyes up from my computer and most definitely ramp up the intake of nuts and watermelon.

Which tips will your incorporate?

Til soon,


This entry was posted on June 4, 2017.

Share your love story

I have a marriage mentoring page and want to feature crosscultural couples telling their love story. I would love to hear from you about what makes a lasting marriage. Are you interested in sharing your love story? The rollout date is May 31st which I am pushing for Wednesday segments. Your story can be written or a short video. For more information please message
Thank you!
J’ai une page de mentorat de mariage et j’aimerais présenter des couples multiculturels racontant leur histoire d’amour. J’aimerais avoir de vos nouvelles sur ce qui fait un mariage durable. Êtes-vous intéressé à partager votre histoire d’amour? La date de déploiement du 31 mai, que je presse pour les segments du mercredi. Votre histoire peut être écrite ou une courte vidéo. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer un message

This entry was posted on May 20, 2017.

Special message: What is love?

The topic of dating and love came up tonight in our home.  As we were discussing various viewpoints, movies and books, my husband was inspired to share this message on love.  Click here to view the message click here

This entry was posted on May 3, 2017.

Word power experiment

I really like this experiment that was done.  I first saw it in 2011 on YouTube by Dr. Emoto.  It was the water crystal experiment and then there was another at that time on rice.  If I recall I think it only used 2 jars of rice; one for positive words and one for negative words.  The jar of rice that received positive words won out.  It did not ferment like the jar with negative words.

Moving ahead I came across this one that uses three jars of rice; positive words, negative words, and a jar that was ignored.  The jar that was ignored turned out to be the most fermented/rotten.  Take a look at it here Word Power Experiment .

With that said, I am once again more convinced that the biblical basis in scripture which says that life and death are in the power of the tongue and we are transformed by the renewing of our minds.




This entry was posted on April 28, 2017.

Marriage Journal

How is your marriage doing?  Are you married to someone from another culture and sometimes you feel like your communication is going right over your spouse’s head? Marriage can get dull and needs refreshing. The picture below is a book I have written on communicating more deeper in a crosscultural marriage.  I am in one and these are some suggestions I would like to share with you. Also to stay connected to more marriage stories from my personal life (some funny) etc. can be done by signing up on the mailing list. To sign up click here, Marriage Journal .Marriage journal blog photo (1).png

Sweet rest part 2


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Have you ever been exhausted?  What did you experience from your fatigue?  Was it forgetfulness? Low energy?

Here I am writing about rest again.  I must be missing the mark somewhere because my life is definitely telling me to chill out.  I am looking forward to the vacation and time away from teaching as we embark upon spring break.  Rest is long overdue and very necessary.   I have one project to work on while taking a little R&R and plan to soak up as much fun and be fully present.

That brings me to my next point.  I booked the reservation at the wrong hotel and did not realize it until less than 48 hours before traveling.  I’m a little miffed over it but I made the booking while fatigued late at night and did not check it over until today.  I started to feel disappointment but quickly changed my view on it and appreciate that I can still vacation, spend time with my husband and relax. I will stick with the reservation because at this point it will require many pieces of the vacation to be rescheduled and re-booked which ultimately lead to spending additional money.

Lesson learned.  Slow down.  Read and re-read the details and fine print before booking.  And by all means get some mental and physical rest.


This entry was posted on April 8, 2017.